

99年7月に1stマキシシングル「the tripod e.p.」でメジャーデビュー、オリコン初登場でいきなり9位をマークした。その後も快進撃を続け、シングル12枚、オリジナルアルバム2枚をリリースし大ヒットをおさめた。

2nd ALBUM「EXPO EXPO」に至っては80万枚のセールスを樹立し、日本の音楽シーンに強烈なインパクトを与えた。02年にLISAがソロ活動に専念するため、惜しまれながら脱退を決断。03年、VERBALと☆Takuの2人となったm-floは、さまざまなアーティストとコラボしていくという"Loves"シリーズで日本の音楽史に旋風を巻き起こした。


2017年、日本を代表する最強のトライポッド「m-flo」が15年振りにLISA・VERBAL・☆Taku Takahashiのオリジナルメンバーで復活!!"ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL"や"SUMMER SONIC"などのステージにも登場するなど、アンダーグランドからオーバーグラウンドまで縦横無尽な活動を経て、2019年 m-floはメジャーデビュー20周年を迎え、新たなアルバム「KYO」をリリース。

2020年3月には韓国の新鋭ラッパーSik-K、若手R&Bシンガー eill、向井太一を迎えた「tell me tell me」で伝説のプロジェクト"loves"が再始動!


Originally classmates since elementary school, Verbal and ☆Taku Takahashi formed the group in 1998.

Shortly thereafter, Lisa joined as the vocalist, and the three of them officially debuted as "m-flo." The fusion of Lisa's distinctive vocals, Verbal's bilingual flow, and ☆Taku's exceptional production resonated within the independent music scene, garnering immediate nationwide attention in Japan. Their debut maxi-single, "the tripod e.p.," released in July 1999, charted at number 9 on the Oricon charts, marking their major label debut. They went on to release 12 singles and 2 original albums, with their second album, "EXPO EXPO," selling over 800,000 units. Lisa departed from the group in 2002 to pursue a solo career, but VERBAL and ☆Taku continued as m-flo.

In 2003, they released the unprecedented "loves" series in Japan, a collection of songs featuring collaborations with various artists. They performed at major venues such as Nippon Budokan and Yokohama Arena, as well as festivals like "ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL" and "SUMMER SONIC."

By collaborating with 41 diverse artists, ranging from underground to mainstream, they revolutionized the Japanese music scene. They continued to produce music with numerous international artists, expanding their creative horizons.

In 2017, Lisa rejoined the group 15 years after after her departure and in 2018, they released their 9th studio album ‘KYO’.

In 2024, m-flo is celebrating their 25th anniversary since their debut,

☆Taku Takahashi:

